A Bombing of Peace… [Reposted]

[This one is different from the last time… Since the photos went down and Rudolf’s main blog went caput (thanks to WP), I’ll repost it…]

[Also, thanks to Cartier who sent me these links in a comment to me…]

On the night of the 10th/11th August 1940 German bombers dropped an unusual load on the people of Britain- propaganda leaflets. These leaflets were entitled ‘A Last Appeal to Reason’ and were a translation of a speech given by the Fuhrer to the Reichstag calling for peace. The speech was printed on a tabloid sized four page newspaper, in a dense piece of text covering all pages:

[GM’s note: I will, in this case, save the copies to GMB, since I don’t want these to fall down… I don’t think that the original source will go bust soon, since it seems to be simply a British military memorabilia blog… But you never know].

Hitler's appeal to reason, to the British people.

As ever click these images for larger sized copies if you want to read it in more detail. It is hard to assess the impact of this leaflet- during my research into the leaflet I find myself repeatedly being directed to revisionist history sites telling us that this was a sign of Hitler’s good intentions and that there were numerous plots on the British side to ensure the war continued (these sites often add an anti-Semitic slant to the history as well). I would argue that the leaflet was a pragmatic approach from the Nazis who were planning the invasion of Russia and wished to avoid a battle on two fronts. If the leaflet worked and encouraged peace they could concentrate on the upcoming battle with communist Russia and if not they had not lost anything…

GM’s note: I told you that this source was a bit kosher. Well, it’s good anyway, if only for the leaflets in big size. If you want to check it anyway, click: A Last Appeal to Reason Propaganda Leaflet


And now, let’s move to a non-kosher, friendly source…




By July of 1940, Germany is in complete control of the war which had been imposed upon it. The Polish aggressor has been defeated, peace with France has been established, and Hitler has graciously allowed the British to evacuate the continent (at Dunkirk), leaving their equipment behind. Furthermore, the Soviet Union and the United States are not even in the war. So then, with Germany ‘holding all the cards’, and Churchill now bombing German civilians, what does the big bad Hitler do? He continues to plea for an end to the sensless war – with no strings attached. That’s what!

Most students of real history, and certainly all readers of TomatoBubble.com, already know this. But did you know that Hitler went so far as to airdrop mass quantities of ‘peace leaflets’ over London? It’s true. The 4-page leaflets were English-language copies of his recent speech before the German nation, a speech which the Germans arranged to have broadcast on hundreds of radio stations across Europe. The July 19th speech was entitled: «A Last Appeal to Reason».

Dropped over London the day after, the leaflet summarizes the injustices inflicted upon Germany after the Great War of 1914-1918, warns of the machinations of the Jewish warmongers and their henchmen, and finally closes with Hitler’s plea to call off the war.

Hitler's Last Appeal to Reason

«In this hour I feel it to be my duty before my own conscience to appeal once more to reason and common sense in Great Britain as much as elsewhere. I consider myself in a position to make this appeal, since I am not the vanquished, begging favors, but the victor speaking in the name of reason. I can see no reason why this war must go on. I am grieved to think of the sacrifices it will claim.

I should like to avert them. As for my own people, I know that millions of German men, young and old alike, are burning with the desire to settle accounts with the enemy who for the second time has declared war upon us for no reason whatever. But I also know that at home there are many women and mothers who, ready as they are to sacrifice all they have in life, yet are bound to it by their heartstrings.

Possibly Mr. Churchill again will brush aside this statement of mine by saying that it is merely born of fear and of doubt in our final victory. In that case I shall have relieved my conscience in regard to the things to come.” 



Also, a bonus… (Thanks again to Cartier)…

Inside Story of the Hess Flight: Hitler’s Peace Offer to Bri­tain

Rudolf Hess, indeed he was a martyr of peace. Read the details of his desperate effort for peace here… Also note the nasty betrayal of Great Britain by allying itself with the Soviet Union (and how this would turn out for the future generations of Britons and for the rest of us).

Allied Use of Delay-Action Bombs (aka Long-Term Chemical Detonator Bombs) and their Effects

Justice for Germans

Contrary to the claims of the «Court Historians», the Allied Terror-Bombing Campaign was not intended for the destruction military targets, as my previous post demonstrate, but rather, to «de-house» and to kill as many German civilians as possible.

«Court Historians» are the intellectual bodyguards of the State. They shape and defend the «official line» or interpretation on the State’s wars, its presidential regimes, or other key historical events and public policies. As a result they enjoy high esteem and recognition in the mainstream media and academia. As defenders of the status quo they frequently attack and label their critics as «conspiracy theorists,» «revisionists,» «isolationists,» «appeasers,» «anti-intellectuals,» or other boogie men, rather than engage in civil discourse or discussion.

British documents as referred to by David Irving (and many other Non-Court Historians), and many quotes from the British military leadership confirm that the British and later also the Americans, deliberately…

Ver la entrada original 1.358 palabras más




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