Communists Torture and Massacre Priests, Nuns, and Choir Boys in Marxist Upheavals in Spain | White Resister

Josefina Sauleda Paulis, of the Dominican cloistered monastery in Barcelona, has also been commended in Catholic sources. 

After being captured and interrogated by the Jews and their commie acolytes, and when about to be led away to be executed, she bravely and defiantly said: If you are going to kill me, why don’t you do it right here?

She was martyred and her body was found outside the Hippodrome in Barcelona.

These two martyrs were listed among 731 other Christian martyrs of the Spanish Civil War, beatified by the Roman Catholic Church in 2001 and 2007. In the beatification homily of Bonaventure Garcia Paredes and his companions, Pope Benedict said:

Adding such a great number of martyrs to the list of beatified persons shows that the supreme witness of giving blood is not an exception reserved only to some individuals, but a realistic possibility for all Christian people. It includes men and women of different ages, vocations and social conditions, who pay with their lives in fidelity to Christ and his Church.


Arthur Bryant, in his well-documented “Communist Atrocities in Spain”, tells of one murder squad which went to the Dominican Convent in Barcelona and informed the Mother Superior that “because of possible mob violence” the nuns should accompany the squad to a place of safety. They were then taken to the suburbs and murdered…

Read more at: Communists Torture and Massacre Priests, Nuns, and Choir Boys in Marxist Upheavals in Spain

First seen at:


Short thoughts on the so-called «classes» of yore…

[This began as a comment in other of my posts so don’t expect much in-depth here. Basically, this has a bit to do with the so called «classes» that the Marxist (jewish in core) ideologies insist to label people into, and to incite class-warfare into the society body as well…]


Nowadays we have a very materialistic view ruling onto us… We tend to look up to the guys who make money* (no matter HOW they did it) and to look at the underclass as undesirables. This can’t be good, and this can’t go on. Marxists and other radicals tended to use the proletarians (those who only had their own children) as a tool to overthrow the social order… now they changed tactics since some of the lower classes are still White. Now they see the downtrodden as part of racial minorities, and, somehow, they are still right.**
With affirmative action and the barring de facto of Whites on key positions, minorities can access/achieve more than ever… Take that from them, and they seldom can rise by their own efforts. If there is not a helping hand, they don’t go up the social ladder. But…
Returning to what I said at the beginning [of this text], we know that the game is rigged by jews who help each other. And that people look up at those who have money as heroes and role models is also an indicative that the only thing that matters now is money.
There are not classes anymore, proper. Most of us are proles, even if we are well off and hold good paying jobs. Take the good paying jobs from people… what is left? Their meager savings and maybe (if they happen to play the roulette that passes as the stock market) by having some shares of a company… But not much more than that.***
I believe, that people call “elites” what we, in other context, would simply call “oligarchs”. The “elite” of anything is conformed by the best people… can you seriously say that these people are better than us? No, their defining element is money and, if they have to stupidify large masses of people in order to rule, maybe they aren’t so good as one might believe.
Aristocracy proper is dead, too. Or scattered. Nobility is pozzed as hell, and infiltrated with jews as well.
The merchant men are the rulers. Have you**** ever heard the phrase: “people vote with their money”? It refers to purchasing stuff, of course, but the analogy is quite telling, nonetheless.
We are proles, no matter how much we have… And the mistreatment stems of some superficial differences, but deep enough to make people look at each other with fear, distrust, and envy.
Hitler tried to bridge those differences. His “experiment” got thwarted by the war and the short duration of his rule. Maybe, if the NSDAP had ruled a bit more, we might have witnessed a different society.
No matter how well off or poor is someone, if he is White, he is your brother.
Marxists (jews) still harp about class divisions, because they know it works, despite having shifted a bit their focus. It’s another tool on their toolbox…


*Just look at Donald Trump, for example. He is not a classic politician, but he ended up being the new POTUS. Here we have a similar example with Mauricio Macri. Engineer by trade, although he lived on daddy’s monies and he has always worked on the familial emporium of the Macri family. Yes, I know, the democratic game is a rigged and pointless one. But people look up to businessmen and other moneyed people (like rich socialites and football players) as role models. People look up to them as examples of hard-working (although it might sound more or less incredible), successful people. They are good at playing the rat game. I can name more examples of this, but the reader probably can name more examples as well.

**Marxists/jews use minorities (and guilt-ridden, mostly rich Whites) as «agents of change» now. They might be downtrodden or not, but they have to be minorities. They shifted tactics probably 50 or 60 years ago, maybe the Civil Rights Movement marked that shift more than anything. For the first time, minorities (negroes, at that time) would be used in a weaponized way by the jews, in an overt way.

You might notice that I am saying «Marxists/jews» instead of saying only «jews»… I am not trying to muddy the waters, I am just pointing that the Marxian version of judaism is which uses the terms «classes», «class warfare» «bourgeoisie» and «proletarians» more than anyone else.

***Or a house, if they are a bit lucky. But not much more than that. I recall reading a phrase on the meaning of the word: «job»… Just Over Broke.

****That was referred to the person I was replying originally to, that’s why it has that personal tone. But it’s a good point anyway.

It stems from the comparison of ballots to dollars. Purchasing power used to buy something might be compared as casting a vote to a candidate in the democratic elections system. 

A Closer Look at the Enemy | The Legacy of Dr. William Pierce

A Closer Look at the Enemy

by Dr. William L. Pierce (pictured)

YOU KNOW, this world we live in is a complicated place. Behind every phenomenon we observe there are many forces at work, some of

them obvious and some not so obvious. Trying to separate what’s important from what’s not important can be a confusing task. Every week when we discuss on this program what’s happening in the world around us, and I try to explain events so that listeners can have a clear understanding of them, I must simplify the world. Clarity requires simplification. Understanding demands simplification. A useful explanation requires separating the important things from those which are less important and focusing first on the former. If I tried to explain every phenomenon in the world in complete detail, leaving out nothing, I would succeed only in confusing everyone, especially myself.

So if we want to understand the world we must simplify it. But we must be careful not to oversimplify, or our explanations lose their value. Occasionally my listeners accuse me of oversimplifying, or they are aware of some factor which I have not discussed in detail, and they suspect that I have left it out deliberately because it would contradict some theory of mine.
Here’s an old example of the way oversimplification can lead to confusion: After the Bolshevik takeover of Russia early in this century, many anti-communists in America spread the word that a majority of the Bolshevik leaders were not Russians but were Jews, and they warned Americans that there also were many Jewish communists in America who posed a danger of subversion. This was back in the days before the exposure of the Rosenbergs and other communist-Jewish spies and conspirators in America. The Jewish media countered this warning with a deliberate campaign of confusion. They said, “Oh, you used to accuse of us being international bankers and capitalists and of subverting nations with our money. Now you accuse us of being international communists and of being a threat to capitalism. So which is it? Are we capitalists or are we communists? It can’t be both, so make up your mind.” This response was supposed to make their accusers look foolish, and with much of the public the trick worked…

Read more at: A Closer Look at the Enemy

German Soldiers in the Soviet Union – Letters from the East | Calvin College Archive

[Sometimes sources aren’t the best, but this is what we have. However, it illustrates a very good point… how the Soviet «workers’ paradise» really was.]

 German Soldiers in the Soviet Union


Letters from the East


Front and back covers from the German soldier's letters book


Background: When the Nazis invaded the Soviet Union in June 1941, they encountered a propaganda windfall. Conditions in the Soviet Union were often deplorable by German standards. In January 1942, the Nazis published a 60-page booklet titled German Soldiers in the Soviet Union: Letters from the East. It consisted mostly of excerpts from letters from soldiers reporting on conditions they encountered. The letters, of course, were carefully selected, but soldiers had credibility, and the booklet surely had an impact. Germans who read it, even if they had doubts about Adolf Hitler, were likely to conclude that National Socialism was surely preferable to Bolshevism. The book is divided into 9 chapters. I here translate several sections from each chapter. Wolfgang Diewerge, the author, produced at least five other Nazi anti-Semitic pamphlets.

The booklet, by the way, used the same cover drawing as the 1942 catalog for an exhibition on the Soviet Union, available elsewhere on the German Propaganda Archive.

The source: Wolfgang Diewerge, Deutsche Soldaten sehen die Sowjet-Union. Feldpostbriefe aus dem Osten (Berlin: Wilhelm Limpert-Verlag, 1941).

The book begins with the following quotation from Goebbels:

“Lying enemy propaganda never tires of accusing us of giving the German people a false or incomplete picture of the battles in the East. They are best refuted by letters from our soldiers.”


Chapter 1

German Soldiers as Witnesses against Bolshevism

[Full Chapter]

The homeland hears about events at the front in an unbelievably short time. German radio often brings reports in the evening of deeds of arms that occurred only a few hours earlier, and the German newsreel includes pictures brought by air directly from the battlefields. The German people have almost direct contact with the accomplishments of their soldiers through the words, pictures, and reporting of modern news media. Past generations could not feel so closely bound to their family members.

Still, the best and most personal source of news in war is and remains the letter. That which the husband or son, the brother, or the bridegroom puts on paper during a brief rest is not only longed for and treasured news from a beloved and irreplaceable person, but also a testimony and a report from one heart to another, one that speaks the right language. During World War I, the letters from the soldiers in field gray recorded the experiences and the integrity of determined fighters who were willing to give their all. During this war, too, millions of German soldiers have reported their powerful experiences. Every family carefully preserves these letters. In party local groups, within National Socialist organizations and in factories, these letters from comrades are passed from hand to hand as eyewitness reports of upright German men.

This pamphlet is a random sample of such letters. They were sent to us by citizens of every class and region. Many of them included this note: “As I read this letter, I thought that others had to read it, too.”

Yes, that is true! There are millions of German citizens who do not have that direct contact with the front. They need to read these letters. They all deal with a theme that is particularly relevant today for the entire German people: What does the Soviet Union really look like?

Sometimes people think the Führer’s propagandists exaggerate, though actual events have proven that what they say is less than the full truth. One thinks of the role of the Jews in unleashing this war or the horrors Poland committed against ethnic Germans. Some citizens who complained then about exaggerated reports of persecution and suffering today complain about 60,000 graves, victims of Polish murderers!

But the most convincing proof of the difference between what was said and reality is clear from the revelations about Bolshevism. This unmasking is particularly important, because millions of German citizens put their faith in the lying words of Jewish-communists. They were told that within the borders of the Soviet Union there was “the workers’ paradise, the true home of the workers of the world.” When National Socialist newspapers and books spoke of the social betrayal in the Soviet Union, or of the horrible mass murders, the misery of children, the hopeless poverty of the entire population, some doubted these well-founded and carefully considered statements.

Now there are millions of reliable witnesses in the middle of this “worker’s paradise.” They cannot be doubted. They are not traveling along carefully prepared streets, nor can Intourist guide them through a carefully selected factory. They must march meter by meter through the country. They fight for each village and each city, they see face-to-face the people who were for nearly 25 years the objects of Bolshevist domination…

Read more at: German Soldiers in the Soviet Union – Letters from the East 

Flight From Hell | Institute of Historical Review

[Here is an account of a man who lived in the «communist paradise» during the Second World War. Find out why he was so «excited» about returning back to Russia… not! Read all of it to understand my somewhat weird joke.]

Flight From Hell

By Michael Kirilov

I was born in [Tsarist] Russia, although officially my birth place is Poland. My account begins with the tragic events of 1917 Russia …

Before this «foreign» [Bolshevik] revolution, my grandparents lived very well. On my paternal side, my grandfather was given free schooling in Tsarist Russia. He was an intellectual and an astronomer, yet he was from a very poor family. He wed into wealth, proving that the class barrier was far from absolute, a sort of Cinderella story with a reverse of gender. My grandmother was a renowned pianist and private tutor to the Court of Prince Balkonski, of War and Peace fame.

Often she would perform before the Court of the Tsar. With such contacts it was not long before my grandfather was appointed by the Tsar as Governor to the South East Province in which they lived (even though he had socialist views). My grandfather saw himself as a moderate reformer, maybe his background as the son of an orthodox priest played a part in his moderate outlook. They owned a stately, castle-like home with regal gardens and a private wood land.

Our family once had many family photos that included the Tsar in the shots. With the Bolshevik takeover however, out of fear, the images of the Tsar were sheared off the photos. A program of «thought clearing» was set in motion by the Bolsheviks after they overthrew the Tsar, then killing him and his family. House to house searches by the Cheka, forerunner of the OGPU, the NKVD and the KGB, resulted in interrogations of millions of Russians. Upon personal orders of Lenin, my grandfather was interrogated by the OGPU, and before the eyes of his wife and children he was brutally hacked to death by sword.

My grandfather on my mother’s side refused to denounce his pro-monarchist stance, and was sent to a death camp by the White Sea canal in the extreme north. The last image we ever saw of him was a photo sent from the camp. Under the Bolshevik «Reds,» eastern Russia was becoming a massive graveyard — another word for «grave» is hell.

Fearful for their lives, my grandmother and her two small children fled to the safety of western Russia where the hellish Bolshevik empire had not yet spread. She began a new life under another name near the borders of Belorussia [Belarus] and Ukraine. Our new home was one of the houses the family owned, though it was not as great or as grand as the one we were forced to leave. Like many such properties, the «Reds» simply took them over and made them their own. The Soviet system simply legalized terror, theft and murder for its foreign elite…

Read more at: Flight From Hell




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