Philosophizing with the Hammer: Sports

[This text is a translation of this entry I reblogged a while back. I do not claim any ownership of this text — many thanks must be given to Editorial Kamerad, who graciously has let me translate it, for the delight of English readers who can’t read Spanish. If you are a native Spanish speaker, or can read well Spanish, it’s worth to give them a visit.]

Philosophizing with the Hammer: Sports


“All the important peoples of History had a high athletic culture, because the well formed and healthy bodies are the seal of immortality of the race of men that adopts them. Dominating and conquering cannot be achieved without having trained hard before, and whoever thinks otherwise is either ignorant or lazy.” Continuar leyendo «Philosophizing with the Hammer: Sports»

Ο Εκδότης, Συγγραφέας, Ήρωας Ιστορικός Αναθεωρητής Ερνστ Ζούντελ Απεβίωσε Στις 5 Αυγούστου 2017 ~ The Publisher, Author, Historical Revisionist Hero Ernst Zündel Died On August 5th 2017…! (Video + Photos)

Ernst Zundel 1939-2017

If you aren’t aware of it, Ernst Zündel passed away two days ago. Now, in a typical display of jewish vindication, a shabbos goy, paid by the joos, bashes Mr. Zündel wishing that he had a more painful death. Read Cartier’s post, she has dug up the mailbox of this shabbos, and make sure you give him a thrashing, too.




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