We are All Equal — There are no differences!!! OH WA—


WE DINDU NUFFIN!! WE DINDU NUFFIN!! WE DINDU NUFFIN!! Continuar leyendo «We are All Equal — There are no differences!!! OH WA—»


This! And do not forget that only White people can be «racist» (racism as in having a negative flaw)…
Racism (or racialism) is merely preferring your racial ingroup rather than other racial groups. Every race in Earth displays this behavior, and all of them do it at even higher extents than Whites. White people tend to be, in fact, color blind. For the sake of fairness and justice we may give more credit to a black man well adjusted to our culture, rather than a White man not so well adjusted. Jews, the mongrel group par excellence, display the highest racial loyalty as well. This is a weapon that the jewry uses to knock a healthy instinct. A propaganda weapon that has worked very well, because it exploits the weaknesses and strong points of the Aryan mind. Fairness, goodness and the striving for perfection are some of the weak points they exploit.

A Reminder That Jews Are NOT White!

[Jewboys don’t consider themselves White. Consider viewing this link if you want to see more proof of their non-whiteness. Here is more proof of their racial admixture. They are the ultimate mongrels of this planet, sharing the «honor» with the Gypsies.]


In fact, they are an evil mongrel race.

Even though it is definitely true that some Jews do look white-ish, the fact is they are still mixed race. One drop of Jewish blood makes a Jew! The fact that most Jews certainly do not consider themselves White is very telling…

See more at: A Reminder That Jews Are NOT White!




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