Sins of the Fathers: Racism and Genocide in the Old Testament | The Legacy of Dr. William Pierce

[Oy vey…! The jews sure love to project!!]

Sins of the Fathers: Racism and Genocide in the Old Testament

From National Vanguard magazine, 1986:
Sins of the Fathers: 
Racism and Genocide in the Old Testament
By Frank Candor

Although the alleged sins took place more than a generation ago, they hardly have become bygones to those who claim to have been sinned against.  These victims are determined that the world shall not forget their tribulations or the wickedness of their persecutors; witness only the ongoing National Holocaust Memorial Museum project in Washington and the new nine-hour film epic, Shoa, the latest in a long series of Hollywood “Holocaust” spectaculars.

Over and over again, through every medium of communication, we are presented with two contrasting images:  on the one hand the blameless innocents (both Jews and non-Jews, we are told, although the focus is almost entirely on the former), hounded and humiliated, herded into concentration camps, and brutally exterminated; and on the other hand the callous, arrogant Germans, who either participated in the persecution or went along with it.

With these images before us we hear repeated, either explicitly or implicitly, the accusation of the victims against their persecutors.  And although it is an accusation which first was leveled against the German people before the Second World War, when Germany under Adolf Hitler was striving mightily to free herself from Jewish influences at home and to secure her vital interests abroad (peacefully if possible), through the magic of the mass media it has been given such an aura of currency that the German people today are kept on the defensive by it, and the Jews feel justified by it in throwing tantrums of the sort witnessed last year when Ronald Reagan announced his plan to visit a German cemetery.

That historical accusation may be paraphrased something like this: “You are arrogant racists and genocidal maniacs.  Convinced of your own superiority, you have no compunction against slaughtering all those who are not members of your own nation, and you will stop at nothing in your plan to dominate the world.  Through some psychotic delusion of grandeur you have got the idea that God has given you the right to exterminate and/or enslave the rest of humanity and has authorized you to commit mass murder in your ruthless quest for Lebensraum.”

While Sigmund Freud was way off base in many of his speculations, his theory of “projection” fits this instance perfectly.  According to a Freudian doctrine, a person with a guilty conscience often will accuse someone else of committing the very sin of which he himself is guilty, doing his best to “project” his guilt onto the other person and thus feel himself blameless.  This neatly explains the Jewish mania for denouncing “White racism” and for endlessly repeating manufactured atrocity tales…

Read more at: Sins of the Fathers: Racism and Genocide in the Old Testament

Autor: Gas Mask

Please visit if you are fed up with jewish lies and bullcrap!

6 opiniones en “Sins of the Fathers: Racism and Genocide in the Old Testament | The Legacy of Dr. William Pierce”

    1. Yep. The jews love to project, don’t they?
      Nationalsocialism is opposed to world conquer, in fact, since it denies other peoples the right of having their own homelands for them.
      You can’t be a NS and a person hellbent in conquering other peoples, because it’s a glaring contradiction on principles. If you want to conquer then you are imperialistic, and against the own NS ethos.
      Wanting to secure and improve your people doesn’t necessarily imply trampling on everyone’s heads. Love of your people doesn’t necessarily means you must hate the rest. I think there is a quote by Mosley that states a similar idea.

      Me gusta

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