Ποιός Ελέγχει Το Σιωνιστικό BBC; ~ Who Controls Zionist BBC…? (Photos)

Autor: Gas Mask

Please visit https://thegasmaskblog.wordpress.com if you are fed up with jewish lies and bullcrap!

8 opiniones en “Ποιός Ελέγχει Το Σιωνιστικό BBC; ~ Who Controls Zionist BBC…? (Photos)”

        1. Sorry. I guessed that you were implying that but I wasn’t that sure, so I asked you.
          Hey, a tip. It seems that the shill that pesters Rudolf has taken a fondness to me as well. Funny shit, because he ranks pretty low in my list of priorities. Anyway, if the shill tries to post shit on either Hidden or SOD, remember that he is not me, ok?
          He uses my nick on NoDisinfo, I think. What a fucktard, because I don’t even lurk there.

          Le gusta a 1 persona

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